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Part 1:Buy the Custom Top Level Domain Name from Azure.

Follow the link below to buy the Top level Domain name from Azure.

Buy Top-Level Domain from Azure.

Part 2:Configure a custom domain name in Azure App Service

First of all, I would like to talk about DNS(Domain Name System). The DNS uses data records to map domain names into IP addresses. There are several types of DNS records. For web apps, we use either an A record or a CNAME record.

  • An A (Address) record maps a domain name to an IP address.
  • A CNAME (Canonical Name) record maps a domain name to another domain name. DNS uses the second name to look up the address. Users still see the first domain name in their browser. For example, you could map “” to “”.

If the IP address changes, a CNAME entry is still valid, whereas an A record must be updated. However, some domain registrars do not allow CNAME records for the root domain or for wildcard domains. In that case, you must use an A record.

Note:  IP address may change if you change the web app mode back to free, or if you delete and recreate your web app as well.

Part 2.1:Finding the Virtual IP address

Step 1: In your browser, open the Azure Portal.

Step 2: Click the Browse option on the left side of the page.

Step 3: Click the Web Apps blade.

Step 4: Select the name of your web app.

Step 5: In the another blade, click settings.

Step 6: Scroll down to the new opened blade, and click on Custom domains and SSL.

Step 7: In the Custom domains and SSL blade, click Bring External Domains“.

The IP address is located at the bottom of this part. Copy it and save where you want.

Part 2.2:Managing the domain name

Step 8: In the Custom domains and SSL blade, click the particular domain name that you had bought. Then you will be redirected to the Manage Domain blade.

Step 9: Then Click on Advanced Manage there, as shown below:

Step 10: You will be redirected to a page where the list of domain names that you had bought will be displayed, as shown below:

Step 11: Click on particular domain name and go to the “DNS ZONE FILE” as shown below:

Step 12: Click on Add Record there, as shown below:

Step 13: Then, carefully do the following:

  • Select record type = A (Host)
  • Enter your domain name in the HOST field.
  • Enter the IP that you had copied earlier in the POINTS TO field, then click on ADD ANOTHER button, as shown below:

Step 14: Similarly, add two more ZONE RECORD as shown below:

Step 15: After finishing, adding the ZONE RECORD, Close the entire tab in browser and go back to the Custom domains and SSL blade.
Step 16: Then, Click on Bring External Domains there. The Bring External Domains blade will opens. At the input field of the DOMAIN NAMES, add the Domain name that you had bought, as shown below: In my case the domain name is “”.

Step 17: Click on Save, and Open the particular URL(In my case URL is: in browser, you will see the changes.

I got this view because I had uploaded my custom design. Congratulation! You have Successfully configured the custom domain name.

Note: If any problem occurred then feel free to comment your problem, I will help you.

Tags: Happy Using AZURE!!!  Happy Coding!!!

When you create a web app, Azure assigns it to a subdomain of For example, if your web app is named exploreitnepal, the URL is Azure also assigns a virtual IP address. For a production web app, you probably want users to see a custom domain name. And We can use Azure credits to buy Custom Domains and host it as well. This feature is not possible from the Dreamspark pass of Azure. This Blog explains how to buy and configure a custom domain with Web Apps.

Note: For instructions on using Traffic Manager to load balance traffic to a web app, use the selector at the top of this article to select the Traffic Manager specific steps.
Custom domain names cannot be used with Free web app. You must configure your web app for Shared, Basic, or Standard mode, which may change how much you are billed for your subscription.
If you don’t have a domain name for your web app, you can easily buy one on Azure Portal. During the purchase process you can choose to have WWW and root domain’s DNS records be mapped to your web app automatically. You also can manage your domain right inside Azure Portal.

Steps to Buy Domain Names:

Step 1: In your browser, open the Azure Portal.
Step 2: In the Web Apps tab, click the name of your web app. In my case, I am using “exploreitnepal” as shown below:

Step 3: Click on Setting there, a new blade will appears as shown below:

Step 4: Scroll down the blade and then select Custom domains and SSL as shown below:

Step 5: Then click on the Buy Domain  in “Custom domains and SSL “ blade as shown below:

Step 6: In the Buy Domains blade, use the text box to type the domain name you want to buy and hit Enter. The suggested available domains will be shown just below the text box. Select what domain you want to buy. You can also purchase multiple domains at once. Then, Click the Contact Information as shown below:

Step 7: Fill the domain’s Contact Information form and Click on OK.

Step 8: Now you can choose to,
a) “Auto renew” your domain every year

b) Opt-in for “Privacy protection” which is included in the purchase price for FREE

c) “Assign default hostnames” for WWW and root domain to the current Web App.

Step 9: Click the Select on Buy Domains blade, then you will see the purchase information on Purchase confirmation blade. If you accept the legal terms and click Buy, your order will be submitted and you can monitor the purchasing process on Notification.

Step 10: Domain purchase can take few minutes to complete. After getting the similar view as shown below, be sure that your domain has been bought.

Tags: Happy Using AZURE!!!  Happy Coding!!!

Part 1: Creating a Website(Web App) in Azure:

Follow the Series of steps in Part 1 of the Link below to create the website in Azure. 

Deploying a Website in Azure via FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

Part 2: Making a Website in Web Matrix:

Step 1: Open Web Matrix.

Step 2: Click on New Then Empty Site to start a new project.

Step 3: Right Click on your site folder and click on New File.

Step 4: Type in the Name of the Page. (Please keep it index.html so that you won’t need to change the default settings in Azure).

Step 5: Edit your index.html Page as per your need. In my case, I have the code Shown as below:

Step 6: Click on the Run button to view the page in your browser.

Part 3: Deploying a Website in Azure Using Web Matrix:

Step 7: Click on the Publish button at the top left corner.

Step 8: Click on Import Publish Settings file.

Step 9: Then, Choose the file of extension .PublishSettings that you had downloaded by clicking the Get publish profile from Azure and click on open and then click on Save button.

Step 10: Click on Continue. Now the site you made will be checked to validate your code.

Step 11: You will the following screen. Now click on continue.

Step 12: Then, Web Matrix will check for the file to be uploaded. Then click on Continue.

Step 13: You will get a message as below after the site gets deployed.

Step 14: To check, Enter the link in the browser you will see the change. In my case, it looks as shown below:

Part 4: Deploying a Website in Azure via FTP:

Follow the Series of steps in Part 2 of the Link below to deploy the website in Azure. 

Deploying a Website in Azure via FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

Tags: Happy Using AZURE!!!  Happy Coding!!!

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. FTP is built on a client-server architecture and uses separate control and data connections between the client and the server.

Part 1: Creating Web App in Azure:

STEP 1: Login to the management portal

STEP 2: Click on New>> Web + Mobile >> Web App. As shown below:

STEP 3: Enter the Link you want and then Click on Create as shown below:

Part 2: Deploying Web App through FTP:

STEP 4: Wait for couple of Minute and let the web app succeed Deploy. After Deployment Succeed, open it and click on the Get publish profile as shown below:

Note: A file of extension .Publishsettings will be downloaded, keep it safe because it holds the Details required to publish Website.

STEP 5: Open the recently downloaded .Publishsettings shown file in notepad and find the publishURL, userName and userPWD as shown below:

Note: publishURL, userName and userPWD is required to upload your website to the web app you made via FTP.

STEP 6: Now, Open FTP Tool. In my case, I have Filezilla. So, I am uploading the file using it. In Filezilla, input the following:

  • publishURL to Host.
  • userName to Username.
  • userPWD to Password.

And click on Quickconnect. Then, it connects to the server and the message “Directory Listing Successful” will be displayed as shown as below:

STEP 7: Open the folder name “site” — >“ wwwroot” which is on the right side in the Filezilla, Shown as below:

STEP 8: Then, Drag and drop all your files and folders inside the folder “wwwroot” then it will automatically start uploading the files and folders and after upload completes enter the link (in my case, my URL is: that you made in Azure. You will see what you have uploaded.

Tags: Happy Coding!!! Enjoy Azure!!! Enjoy FTP!!!

What is the Cloud?

Cloud is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored in servers on the Internet and cached temporarily on clients (desktops, tablets, notebooks, wall computers, etc.)

Then, Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure, created by Microsoft, for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network. It includes a growing collection of integrated cloud services—analytics, computing, database, mobile, networking, storage, and web—for moving faster, achieving more, and saving money.

Some Awesome and Interesting feature of Using Azure are:

Use an open and flexible cloud service platform
Scale as you need, pay as you go
Protect your data
Run your apps anywhere
Make smarter decisions
Rely on a trusted cloud service
Build and deploy modern, cross-platform web and mobile applications